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Reflections from Volunteers

“Operation Embrace has been a significant emotional contribution to the victims and their families. We are reminded of our Jewish heritage that promotes the idea that if we save (contribute to the well being) one person, is it as if we have saved the world.”


- Alice, Ohr Kodesh, Chevy Chase, Maryland

Operation Embrace synagogue participant



“….I am grateful that Operation Embrace has and continues to assist these people with the needs they continue to have; mental health, career change support, financial, and in various other ways. Most of all, it’s the “hugs” or the follow-up commitment that people here in our community are providing through visits, phone calls, emails, and fundraising. The victims of terror in Israel need to know that although we are miles away, we care. “


- Renee, participant of OE Spring Israel Mission



“We visited with Tzur and his family. Previously a vivacious ten year old, Tzur suffers from a brain injury due to a bullet that was shot in his head in a drive-by shooting. OE provided financial assistance and emotional support to Tzur and his family. The gratitude of OE’s kindness is evident on the faces of each person we met.”


- Janet, participant of OE Winter Israel Mission

Reflections from Professionals

“We have the strength to go on when we see and know that there is meaning to what we do with the victims and their families. We hurt on a very personal and professional level, but know that giving up is giving in. I’m not sure I can describe the importance of knowing that of you (Operation Embrace) are with us and sharing with us. Needless to say, we can’t do this alone and having you means we are not alone in our tasks. Let us all pray for peace to the victims, which includes us as well and pray that this will be a peaceful week.”


– Chaya and all the Social Workers at Hadassah Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel



“ . . I would like to take this opportunity especially now before the holidays when we are all introspective, to personally thank ALL of you for your support, understanding and help throughout the year and specifically in the horribly trying times of terrorist attacks. May you always continue to find the strength to “Embrace” us. In their stead, I would like to thank you for all the patients that you helped, that I had the privilege of being their social worker, and referring them to you.”

- Barbara, Social Worker, Hadassah Hospital



“With the help and support of Operation Embrace we can handle this project (the Post Traumatic Stress Treatment Center). Time is not the best healer, but love and care is really the best healer and you give us this and we thank you for it.”

– Roni, Director of Social Services, Rambam Hospital in Haifa, Israel



“Many thanks again for your kindness and ongoing amazing work of Operation Embrace. You are all very special and your kindness and generosity is so appreciated by these families.”


- Roberta, Social Worker and Coordinator, Victims of Terror Project, ATZUM, Israel


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