Operation Embrace Board of Directors
President- Dr. Larry Green
Larry Green, MD, a practicing dermatologist, has been Co-President of Operation Embrace since 2013. Dr. Green has served on OE's Survival Evaluation Committee since 2008, and has been a board member since 2010. Dr. Green has made multiple visits to Israel on behalf of OE, delivering needed financial assistance to terrorist survivors and participating with survivors at OE retreat Shabbatons in Israel.
Vice Chair – Ellen Soumekhian, Program Committee
Vice Chair – Pennie Abramson, Executive Committee
Secretary – Debbie Sasson: Executive Committee
Treasurer – Debbie Klis-Melnick, Executive Committee Chair, Audit & Finance Committee
U.S Board
Israel Board ~ "Mivtza Hibuk"
William Stern
Lisa Parzow
Gilly Arie
Debbis Klis-Melnick
Alan Reinitz
Allison Green
Rabbi Joel Tessler
Beth Newmark
Sharon Hudaly
Dvir ODed
Benny Burnley
Aviad Greenberg